jQuery Tbl Tree

TblTree jquery plugin

This project is maintained by gagiks



1. Install

Include jQuery and jQuery-ui in your page:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.10.1/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

Include Plugin in your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery.tbltree.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" href="css/jquery.tbltree.css" rel="stylesheet">

If you want to use saveState: option, then need to include $.coocke plugin as well:

<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery.cookie.js"></script>

2. Make a tree

Create HTML Table by adding 'row-id' and 'parent-id' attributes to "tr" tags. Attributes names can be configured by options `rowAttr` and `parrentAttr`.

<table id="table1">
    <th>Title</th><th>Column 1</th><th>Column 2</th><th>Column 3</th>
  <tr row-id="1">
    <td>Level 1</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td>
  <tr row-id="1.1" parent-id="1" >
    <td>Level 1.1</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td>
  <tr row-id="2">
    <td>Level 2</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td>
  <tr row-id="2.1" parent-id="2" >
    <td>Level 2.1</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td><td class="data">2</td>

Add javascript code:

 $(function() {
     // initialize with default options
    $( "#table1" ).tbltree();

Add javascript code:

TitleColumn 1Column 2Column 3
Level 1222
Level 1.1222
Level 2222
Level 2.1222


Tree on second column
Large Table with 2800 rows
Level Pickers
Display counts based on children


1. Settings

Parameter Type Default Description
rowAttr: String 'row-id' Attribute name which is set for <tr> tags and identifies the ID of the row.
parentAttr: String 'parent-id' Attribute name which is set for <tr> tags and identifies the ID of parent row.
Note: this attribute must be skipped for root nodes.
initState: String 'collapsed'
treeColumn: String 0 Identifies the column of the table we want to make a tree.
saveState: Boolean false If true tree state will be save after page is re-loaded
saveStateName: String 'tbltree-state' Name of cookie to save state
levelPicker: String '' jQuery selectot of an element where we cant to render level pickers.
expanderTemplate: String
<span class="tbltree-expander"></span>
HTML Element when you click on that will be collapse/expand branches
levelPickerTemplate: String
<div class="tbltree-level-pickers">
	<span id="0" class="tbltree-level-item">[1]</span>&nbsp;
	<span id="1" class="tbltree-level-item">[2]</span>&nbsp;
	<span id="2" class="tbltree-level-item">[3]</span>&nbsp;
	<span id="3" class="tbltree-level-item">[4]</span>&nbsp;
HTML template of level pickers, each element having class tbltree-level-item must have numberic id, identifying the level we want to show.
indentTemplate: String
<span class="tbltree-indent"></span>
HTML Element that will be placed as padding, depending on the depth of nesting node
expanderExpandedClass: String 'tbltree-expander-expanded' Class using for expander element when it expanded
expanderCollapsedClass: String 'tbltree-expander-collapsed' Class using for expander element when it collapsed
count: Object AsIs Define a way to count number and display for row based on children rows.
Please see example
for more details

2. Methods

Method Description Example
showLevel Show level of tree we want $('#table1').tbltree('showLevel', 2)
expand Expand row with ID $('#table1').tbltree('expand', '1.1')
collapse Collapse row with ID $('#table1').tbltree('collapse', '1.1')
isCollapsed Returns true if row is collpased $('#table1').tbltree('isCollapsed', '1.1')
isExpanded Returns true if row is expanded $('#table1').tbltree('isExpanded', '1.1')

2. Evenths

Event Description Example
create Triggered when tree creation completed
	create: function() {
		alert('Tree created')
expand Triggered when any row is expanded
	expand: function(e, row) {
		alert(row.attr('row-id')+ " was expadned");
expand Triggered when any row is collapsed
	collapse: function(e, row) {
		alert(row.attr('row-id')+ " was collapsed");
change Triggered when any row is collapsed or expanded
	change: function(e, data) {
		alert(data.row.attr('row-id')+ " was "+data.type);
showlevel Triggered when tree level shown (for example from level pickers)
	showlevel: function(e, level) {
		alert('Level '+level+' was shown')